NEPRA Approves Rs. 2.75 per Unit Rate Increase

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) approved a significant increase in electricity costs on Thursday considering a major change. The selection was made in reaction to requests made by XWDISCOS for periodic adjustments for the second quarter of FY 2023–24 (FY24), and the allowed increase is Rs. 2.75 consistent with the unit.

The decision by NEPRA follows continuous changes that have an impact on consumers all around the country. Currently, two quarterly changes to monthly costs are borne primarily by consumers. The fourth quarter of FY23, which is scheduled to end by the end of March 2024, will have a uniform applicable rate of Rs. 3.28 per unit.

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The first quarterly adjustment for FY24, which is also scheduled to expire in March 2024, will have a uniform applicable rate of Rs. 1.15 per unit. When combined, these changes will have an overall impact of Rs. 4.43 per unit and are expected to end in March 2024.

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After the current applicable quarterly adjustments expire in April 2024, NEPRA has chosen to implement the quarterly adjustment for the second quarter of FY24. Except for lifeline consumers, this ruling applies to all consumer groups.

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NEPRA’s action is likely to have a significant impact on stakeholders and customers in the electrical industry. Watch this space for additional updates and responses to this development.