Punjab Government to Distribute Free Solar Systems to 50,000 Homes

The Punjab administration has announced plans to give 50,000 homes in the region free solar systems. This project, which is expected to cost Rs. 10 billion, is wholly supported by the province government and aims to lower electricity bills for low-consumption homes.

Households that consume up to 100 power units per month are eligible for the free solar systems under the program. The government will pay all costs, including the price of the solar systems and their installation.

Read Also: Punjab Roshan Gharana Solar Scheme

Households involved in power theft, meter tampering, or fraudulent activity will not be allowed to participate in the program to maintain transparency and equity.

How to register for the “Roshan Gharana Program”

By just texting their identity card number and bill reference number to 8800, qualifying households can register for the program.

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After validating the information of qualified clients, the National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC) would send it to the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB) for additional verification.

The district administration will receive the final list of eligible families for implementation after the validation procedure is finished.

Furthermore, authorization has been granted for the Department of Energy to form a specialized project management office to supervise the initiative’s effective implementation.

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