Local Solar Panel Manufacturing Project Launched by Punjab

Shafi Hussain, Punjab’s Minister of Industry and Commerce, has unveiled a major plan to increase domestic solar panel production. With significant funding from Chinese businesses, the provincial government intends to build manufacturing facilities.

Minister Hussain talked about setting up solar panel manufacturers in Punjab when he met with a delegation from a Chinese solar company.

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He underlined the government’s dedication to supporting these businesses and fostering an atmosphere that is suitable for investment.

Chinese businesses are eager to invest in Punjab’s solar energy sector, Minister Hussain highlighted. He also suggested creating a long-term policy to back this endeavor.

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The minister claims that this is the best time for Punjab to invest in solar energy due to the state of affairs at the moment and the government’s proactive position.

By taking this action, the province hopes to improve its solar energy industry, become less dependent on imports, and provide employment possibilities.

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