Punjab Opens Online Weapons License Application Portal

The breaking News about Punjab Opens Online Weapons License Application Portal. Another significant accomplishment for the caretaker Punjab government led by Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi is the elimination of corruption in the granting of weapons permits, which is now done online to guarantee transparency.

For the Punjab Arms License Management System (PALMS), the province Home Department and the National Database and Registration Authority (NADRA) have inked a contract to launch Online Weapons License portal. Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi publicly opened the PALMS site.

In addition, the internet portal would make it possible for arms licenses to be renewed across Punjab and will offer a practical means of transferring permits to heirs electronically.

After PALMS launches, applicants can also pick up their licenses right at their door. According to Mohsin Naqvi, the system’s deployment will make it possible to totally eradicate corruption in the licensing process.

The Chief Minister praised Additional Secretary Farwa Aamir and Home Secretary Mian Shakeel Ahmed for their roles in the web online weapons license portal’s inauguration.

He also commended the admirable introduction of the automatic guns license issuance system. The Punjabi government, the Interior Secretary, and the DG NADRA signed the relevant agreement.

Attendees at the ceremony were the Chief Secretary, the Home Secretary, the Director General Nadra Sohail Jahangir, the Director Arms Nadra, and other pertinent officials.

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