Punjab Govt Announces Six Holidays for Schools, Colleges and Universities in Feb 2024

The breaking News about the Six Holidays for Schools, Colleges and Universities in Punjab during Feb 2024. An extended holiday break has been announced by the Punjab Provincial Cabinet for all educational institutions in the province. This choice was made in consideration of the February 8th general elections that are coming up.

All Punjabi schools, colleges, and universities – public and private – will be closed from February 6 to February 9. The purpose of this step is to provide a seamless and uninterrupted electoral process.

With February 4 falling on a Sunday and February 5th being Kashmir Day, a public holiday, the shutdown of schools essentially amounts to a six holidays in total.

A modification to the school schedule has also been announced; the 9:30 am start time will only be in effect through February 3. After this time, classes will continue as usual.

The smooth and uninterrupted conduct of the general elections is ensured by this closure, which is an essential component of the preparations. In the upcoming days, similar statements from other provinces are anticipated.

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