Punjab Government Schools Postpone September 2023 Tests

In this post, we will find out why Punjab Government Schools Postpone September 2023 Tests. We will cover everything related to Punjab’s education system, government news, and the primary purpose behind the test postponement.

September tests in 48,000 Punjab government schools, including Lahore, have been postponed.

Initially, plans were in place to conduct exams from first to eighth grade, with the Punjab Education Commission preparing a date sheet.

Primary Reason For Punjab Government Schools Postpone September 2023 Tests:

However, the primary reason for the September test delay is the funding issue, partly attributed to the unstable political situation in Pakistan.
Due to insufficient funds and an unsettled government, the date sheet was extended to September.

Some people heard that the school administration asked for money. Due to this, an organization decided not to conduct exams.
They demanded that if exams are necessary, prepare the question papers first.

school education system in Punjab

The spokesperson said withdrawal sheets would be issued when financially acceptable. Pakistan’s situation is unstable, affecting government institutions and funding.

Stable government can improve everything, including education. Postponing exams disappoints students and parents who had high hopes.

Here we will brief discuss School Education System in Pakistan:

School Education Department functions:

  • Legislation, Policy Formulation, and Planning
  • Primary Education
  • Elementary Education
  • Secondary and Higher Secondary Education
  • Maintaining Standards of Education:
  • Curriculum and textbook development (up to class XII)
  • Textbook production (class I to XII)
  • Monitoring and Evaluation System:
  • Free textbook distribution
  • Development schemes
  • Staff presence
  • Online-access information updates
  • Public complaint resolution

Promotion of Quality Education:

  • Punjab’s education assessment system
  • Grade-V and VIII terminal examinations
  • Scholarships
  • Educational and scientific film production

Staff Development:

  • Pre-service and in-service teacher training
  • Continuous professional development (CPD)

Other Functions:

  • Private sector school regulation
  • Children’s libraries and affiliated libraries
  • School sports promotion
  • Compulsory and free education (ages 5-16)
  • Matters related to Punjab Danish Schools and Centers of Excellence
  • Promoting quality education through public-private partnership (Punjab Education Foundation)
  • Matters concerning Punjab Teachers’ Foundation
  • Budget, accounts, audit
  • Purchase of departmental stores and capital goods

If you want to get more information related to school education system in Punjab, visit this website (https://schools.punjab.gov.pk/) or click here.school education system in Punjab

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