Today Petrol Price in Pakistan | Govt Cuts Petrol Prices by Rs. 8 per litre

Breaking News About the Today Petrol Price in Pakistan (Petrol Prices Cut in Pakistan); The caretaker administration cut the price of petrol by Rs. 8 per litre on Monday, but it kept the price of diesel at Rs. 276.21 per litre for the next two weeks.

The finance ministry announced that starting on January 16, petrol will cost Rs 259.34 per litre, a drop of Rs 8. However, the price of Diesel per litre remained at Rs 276.21.

In the meantime, there was no mention of kerosene and light-diesel oil price adjustments.

Earlier, it was predicted that petrol price would go down by over Rs 5.00, while the high-speed diesel (HSD) may observe reduction of Rs 2.00 in the upcoming fuel pricing review.

For the past two weeks, the government kept the price of petrol and diesel at Rs. 267.34 and Rs. 276.21 per litre, respectively. Kerosene oil saw a price drop to Rs 188.83 per litre, while light diesel oil had an increase in price by the government of Rs 1.11, bringing the price of the commodity down to Rs 165.75.

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