Pakistan Supreme Court Overturns Lifetime Ban for Politicians

Breaking News From Pakistan Supreme Court: Major Shift in Political Landscape (January 9, 2024). The Supreme Court changed its mind about a rule that said politicians could be banned for life under Article 62(1)(f) of the Constitution. In a vote of 6-1, the court said this rule should be looked at along with other parts of the Constitution, not all by itself.

Also, the court said the Election Act of 2017 is okay, which includes a five-year ban for politicians. The majority of the court thinks this five-year ban is fair and doesn’t need any more arguing.

This is a big win for politicians who were in trouble under Article 62(1)(f), like former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and other politician. Now, these politicians might be able to come back into politics.

One judge, Justice Yahya Afridi, didn’t agree with the others. He said the majority made a mistake and thought politicians should still be banned for life if they break Article 62(1)(f).

In the end, this Supreme Court decision could change a lot in Pakistani politics. It might let banned politicians, including Nawaz Sharif, come back into the game.

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