Mark Zuckerberg Apologizes at Senate Hearing on Social Media

At the US Senate social media hearing, Mark Zuckerberg extends his apology to parents. Opening a new tab, Meta (META.O) As part of a US Senate hearing on the effects of social media on children, Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg apologized to families on Wednesday.

Mark Zuckerberg stood up and spoke to families holding up images of their children who they claimed had been hurt by social media at the urging of Republican Senator Josh Hawley. The committee began the meeting by playing a video in which kids discussed being bullied on social media.

Senators related anecdotes of young individuals who committed themselves after being blackmailed into paying money for sharing images of themselves with sex predators. “Are you willing to offer an apology to the people who have been hurt by your product at this time?” Taking note of the hearing’s live television broadcast, Hawley questioned.

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After getting to his feet, Mark Zuckerberg turned to face the families. “I apologize for anything that you have all had to deal with”. He stated, We invest a lot and will keep working with the industry to ensure that no one has to experience the things your families have had to go through because nobody should have to go through what your families have gone through.

During a heated exchange, Hawley angrily lambasted Mark Zuckerberg. “Your product is killing people,” Hawley said to Zuckerberg, whose company is in charge of the social media sites Instagram and Facebook.

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