IT Ministry Calls for Establishment of Cybersecurity Teams in All Provinces

The Ministry of Information and Telecommunication has taken proactive movements throughout the country to improve cybersecurity, together with pushing for the creation of Provincial Computer Emergency Response Teams (PCERTs) in coordination with all provincial administrations.

The government’s commitment to establishing the fundamentals of cybersecurity across the nation is demonstrated by this program and the announcement of the creation of a national CERT.

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It is emphasized that before proceeding with the establishment, provincial authorities will inform the federal government regularly about the responsibilities of the sector, seeking approval to commence operations.

Upon approval, each provincial government’s nominated department will work diligently towards establishing PCERTs by the rules and regulations of the CERT. By the government’s CERT, provincial CERTs will function as sectoral CERTs and keep close relationships with the national CERT.

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Provincial CERTs’ mandate includes safeguarding digital assets of provincial public sectors, encompassing both autonomous and semi-autonomous organizations under provincial jurisdiction.

They will play a crucial role in identifying CERT threats, analyzing high-level threat assessments, issuing alerts and warnings, managing vulnerabilities, and responding to and recovering from incidents promptly.

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Provincial CERTs will conduct comprehensive research, analysis and dissemination of threats, and take proactive measures to mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively.