Imran Khan Demands Judicial Inquiry on May 9, Again!

Imran Khan, the former prime minister, has reaffirmed his demand for a judicial investigation into the violence that broke out on May 9 and the handling of the elections on February 8. Speaking to reporters during a £190 million corruption case court hearing, Khan asked Pakistan’s Chief Justice, Qazi Faez Isa, to expedite hearings on petitions submitted by the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI).

Khan claimed that the “London plan” was being used by the establishment to take down his party by taking advantage of the violence on May 9. He pleaded with Chief Justice Isa to form a judicial panel to look into the incident, stressing the need to find the people responsible for the violence, who he said were protected by the theft of security video.

Read Also: Demand for Investigation into IHC Judges’ Letter

Additionally, Khan blamed the purported “London plan” for the dismissal of cases involving the Sharif family and President Asif Ali Zardari. Because of what he called a rigged National Assembly, he declared, the PTI would not acknowledge the legitimacy of the Senate elections.

As for the current developments in the US Congress around the cipher scandal, Khan said that US diplomat Donald Lu’s support for the overthrow of the Biden administration would have been bad for the administration. Khan brought up the evidence of former ambassador Asad Majeed before the National Security Committee on Lu’s alleged “threatening tone”.

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In response to inquiries on his security, Khan underlined that he was not in charge of protecting cipher documents and implied that a system was in place to do so. He disregarded the Pakistani Election Commission’s investigation into claims of electoral tampering, casting doubt on its objectivity in light of the commission’s role in the process.

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Furthermore, Imran Khan’s wife, Bushra Bibi, issued a warning, claiming that the country would not tolerate such an incident and holding the chairman of Army Staff, the head of ISI, and the chairman of the Counter Terrorism Department liable if any damage came to Khan.