Freelancers in Pakistan Set to Receive PayPal Payments Starting February 2024

Breaking News About Payment through PayPal for Freelancers in Pakistan; According to Dr. Umar Saif, the acting federal minister in charge of IT and telecommunications, 10,000 freelancers will begin getting payments from PayPal in February as part of the trial programme. “In February, we are going to start the first pilot project in which 10,000 freelancers in Pakistan would be able to start receiving payments through PayPal,” he added, speaking at a Tech Destination Pakistan event that also featured the opening of E-Rozgar Centres around the nation.

The minister went on to say that the programme would be expanded nationwide in March and that anyone would be able to make payments using Stripe and PayPal.

He explained that although PayPal will not be entering Pakistan directly, a deal has been made for remittances to be routed through PayPal through a third party.

The newly designed programme will exempt freelancers from the requirement to register a PayPal account. The minister clarified that instead, those from outside the nation will pay the freelancers directly from their PayPal accounts, and the money will be transferred into their accounts right away.

According to the minister, the government has developed a system for independent contractors to open bank accounts. He clarified that the only people who would need to show proof of having an account on Fiverr, Upwork, Elance, Toptal, or Crossover are freelancers.

“The IT industry would have a 50% dollar retention policy, which means that whatever you earn, you can keep 50% of that in dollars,” the minister continued. That bank will provide you a debit card so you can spend the money anywhere in the country or outside without restriction.

He emphasised that sufficient funding has been provided by the government to create E-Rozgaar centres around the nation through a public-private partnership model, enabling interest-free loans to eligible and screened individuals and businesses.

According to him, the primary goal of the E-Rozgaar centres is to support Pakistan’s digital economy and increase freelancers’ productivity by offering cutting-edge infrastructure.

More than 250 E-Rozgaar Pakistan centres would be set up by the public and private sectors as part of the programme.

He claimed that the project would enhance diversity in the digital, financial, and economic sectors by encouraging a culture of freelancing and entrepreneurship in Pakistan.

As of right now, he told us, construction is underway on around forty E-Rozgaar centres, all of which should be operational by February 19, 2024.

The first standardised quality test for the 75,000 graduates in information technology, according to Dr. Umar Saif, will take place on January 15.

He outlined important choices taken in cooperation with HEC, the Pakistan Software Export Board, the National Computing Accreditation Council, the Examination Testing Council, and the Pakistan Software Houses Association to modernise IT education.

Students who pass the exam will receive employment offers from the Industry Placement Programme, according to Dr. Saif. In order to prepare students for the demands and trends of the modern economy, he said, funding will be set aside to assist specialised industrial courses at universities.

He said that the government would provide stipends to the students and provide cash prizes to the companies that placed them in apprenticeships.

He added that the IT sector also requires highly qualified labour, qualified by global corporate platforms like Google, Microsoft, and Cisco. “So this year, we’re going to train 16,000 people. These are individuals who are already proficient in IT but require foreign certifications in areas such as Microsoft, Salesforce, Cisco, and Oracle financials, among others, he continued.

According to him, the government, through the SIFC, had made some drastic moves to help IT companies, which had contributed to a 13% rise in IT income in the previous month.

Hassan Nasir Jami, the federal IT secretary, stated that the IT ministry quickly launched a number of steps to improve IT exports and support independent contractors.

He urged developers, students, and businesses to use the chances presented by the IT ministry’s commitment to creating an IT ecosystem.

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