Elections 2024 Upheaval | PTI Loses Iconic Symbol of “Bat” as Supreme Court Overturns PHC Decision

Breaking News about the PTI Iconic Symbol “Bat” for General Elections 2024: The Supreme Court concluded the hearing on Saturday and reserved judgement on the Election Commission of Pakistan’s (ECP) appeal against the PHC ruling reinstating the PTI’s electoral symbol.

The court personnel have communicated that a statement regarding the result is anticipated in the next hour.

He had said earlier in the proceedings that PTI might have suspended the ruling from the Peshawar High Court the day before if they had disregarded the lawyers’ advice.

The hearing was overseen by a three-judge panel, which included Justices Muhammad Ali Mazhar and Musrat Hilali, and was chaired by Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa.

Hamid Khan, the PTI’s attorney, stated at the beginning of the hearing that Ali Zafar was the primary case’s attorney and would make arguments in this particular case.

Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Isa responded by saying that they have nothing against anyone wishing to make an argument.

Chief Justice Qazi Faiz Isa enquired from lawyer Hamid Khan whether he had examined the Peshawar High Court’s order.

Hamid Khan replied that he had reviewed the ruling of the Peshawar High Court. He added that Ali Zafar will make his arguments first, and then he would discuss the case’s constitutional issues.

Two crucial concerns about jurisdiction and the Election Commission’s ability to look into intra-party elections were raised by Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar.

Attorney Ali Zafar indicated that he would be happy to support the court, stressing that there was a deadline approaching for the release of electoral emblems and final lists.

Chief Justice Isa emphasised that despite the time limits, the court must meticulously craft a ruling that does not place an undue burden on the attorneys. He underlined the necessity of having enough time to develop a thorough opinion.

If the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) wanted fairness, it should provide it within the party, said a senior Supreme Court judge. The poll would have been the most transparent in Pakistan if the PTI had carried out its intra-party election in accordance with its constitution.

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