E-Rozgaar Program Graduates Earn Over Rs 8 Billion Online

In this article, we will discuss E-Rozgaar Program Graduates Earn Over Rs 8 Billion Online using the skills they get from E-Rozgaar Program.

The E-Rozgaar program has proved a success, allowing skilled youth to earn an impressive amount of money by using their skills and effort.

The E-Rozgaar Program is absolutely, without a doubt, a game changer in the field of skill development and empowerment for young people.

The program has provided the door to a world of chances by providing graduates with digital skills and freelancing knowledge, affecting lives and livelihoods.

As the program continues to develop, it serves as a bright example of how investing in the potential of kids can reap extraordinary returns for society and the economy. With nearly Rs 8 billion in total earnings, the E-Rozgaar Program is a light of hope, pointing the path to a bright and independent future for Punjab’s youth.

E-Rozgaar Program Graduates Earn Over Rs 8 Billion Online:

E-Rozgaar Program Graduates Earn Over Rs 8 Billion Online

The e-Rozgaar Program is a project of the Punjab Information Technology Board (PITB), Youth Affairs and Sports Department of Punjab. The Punjab Government’s Youth Affairs and Sports Department of Punjab is the project’s promoting body, and PITB is the project’s executing body.

This project was created in 2017; the main aim of this program is to give free training in digital skills and provide freelancing skills to the youth of Punjab.

The first Goal of this project was to establish 45 training centers in 36 districts of Punjab, including five female-only centers, with the goal of producing 15,000 freelancers per year.

This initiative provides essential Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and soft skills training in digital-based freelancing to many unemployed youngsters and students in Punjab, allowing them to earn money online to improve inflows and support their families.

Enhancing Opportunities by E-Rozgaar Program:

There are many opportunities that E-Rozgaar Program provides to youngsters/students, that why E-Rozgaar Program Graduates Earn Over Rs 8 Billion Online. Here are some critical points of the E-Rozgaar Program

  • Enable sustainable income for Youngsters.
  • Promoting freelancing skills.
  • Improves livelihood and respect.
  • Provides diverse skill sets.

Participation and Success:

  • With over 54,000 graduates from this program
  • 57% female participation
  • This program has been shown to be inclusive and prosperous.
  • With trainees earning more than 8 billion PKR online.

E-Rozgaar Program Graduates Earn Over Rs 8 Billion Online in pakistan


In conclusion, the E-Rozgaar Program has been an enormous success, enabling skilled youth to earn over Rs 8 billion online through the digital skills and freelancing knowledge they acquired.

It has emerged as a game changer in skill development and youth empowerment in Punjab. The program has opened doors to endless possibilities by giving free training in digital skills and freelancing, thus improving lives and livelihoods.

As the program grows and evolves, it serves as a shining example of the significant impact of investing in the potential of youngsters. The program’s inclusive approach has fostered diversity, with 57% female participation, and enabled participants to earn a sustainable income, allowing them to support themselves.

To learn more about E-Rozgaar Program, visit the E-Rozgaar program or Click Here.

Important FAQs Of Article (E-Rozgaar Program Graduates Earn Over Rs 8 Billion Online):

Q: What is E-Rozgaar Program?

Ans: The e-Rozgaar Program is a total skills program for youngsters. The Punjab Government’s Youth Affairs and Sports Department of Punjab is the project’s promoting body, and PITB is the project’s executing body.

Q: What is the Result of E-Rozgaar Program?

Ans: As a result, E-Rozgaar Program Graduates Earn Over Rs 8 Billion Online after getting skills knowledge from this program.

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